Which are the best Sweet Home 3D alternatives? Sweet Home 3D runs on Windows, macOS, Linux and Solaris. Sweet Home 3D runs offline on most operating systems, but you can also use it online from any browser supporting WebGL.
Nevertheless, if you want to, you can donate any amount to the Sweet Home 3D project. You can download and use Sweet Home 3D free of charge, for personal or commercial purposes. Sweet Home 3D helps you place all your furniture and designs on a house 2D plan, but it previews a 3D render. A paid version available on the Microsoft Store, automatically updated and bundled with 1500 pieces of furniture and 418 textures.A free version available on this page (see download options on your right) is bundled with 100 pieces of furniture and 26 textures.Sweet Home 3D is available in two versions, both bundled with a private copy of Java: Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application which helps you draw the plan of your house, arrange furniture on it and visit the results in 3D.